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the truth hurts but lies worse..

are you thinking what i'm thinking? the title reminds me of "Broken String" by Prayin Mantis.
does the truth hurts but lies worse makes sense?? yes it is..
do you have a girlfriend? or boyfriends? (i put an s for bf because girls, they always have more than a bf)
they cheated on you? yes? no?
well, i think you know the answer better..
what im going to write today is just something personal that went through my mind..
this post is for someone.. i can't really say her name..
apparently, she don't like me anymore. and she'll be happier without me.
I just said goodbye to her.
is it that easy? maybe for her..

Readers, listen to this, my heart just said:

"I just wish that i could hold you for the last time, as that was my last chance to feel again..
But you broke it. My dreams are all broken. And i don't have any tears left. Cuz men dun cry. I spent 3 days wasting my time, sleeping, chatting, and i ended up blogging.I guess i need a new start. A new life. Totally without you. Do you know what are the things that keep us apart?They are not distances nor television.. They are the truth and trust. Thanks for all your kindness to me. For all your help when i need it. And for all the lies you brought to my life. I wish i never met u. But i did. I wish u never lied to me. But you did. I wish we will last forever. But we never last forever.."


lina said...

erm..cian kat ko.. gf ko yg arituh ko ckp tu ke? smpai ati kn dia wat ko mcm tuh.. takpe la. da xd jodoh. sabar ye. kalau ko perlukan teman, kol aku k?

fern said...


Anonymous said...

aha.."always have more than a bf" ??..hihi..aiiyyookk...kan sng takyah bf gf ni..buang duit+mse..siap seret bw p neraka segera..
-cik ana plymouth-

Be Lovely said...

ni yg mne??i think i knoe..hana??rite??
emmm...dunt knoe what 2 say...she's a kind gurl mybe...

fern said...

???????????? (weird)

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