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let us do the world a favor..

i was wondering, if someone could tell me what is goin to happen to the ex-drug addicts..?? I have drugs issues like 4 or 5 years ago. And that was one of my biggest mistake. But now, i've changed. Seriously, i don't have the addiction issues anymore. Recently, theres a chatter from my YM keeps calling me "DADAH". Owh.  She was annoying. It's not like i want to hate her. But, just think. If every single one of us don't give a fuckin chance to the addicts, they wouldn't have a reason to start a new life. And they'll fail to be better, n fall into the addiction. So, let us do the world a favor. Stop cussing them. Stop being a Cussing Foo's. Just give them the chance and the reason to be better.. I write this because i used to be one of them. I was lucky because i got the chance to change. My friend XXX had been so successfull in making a fresh start. He was even being considered for a role as a steward for the kitchen where he was being treated. Unfortunately, he has no family. And there's no one to support him, and the public keeps pushing him, and at last, he ended up in jail. He was back to the drugs fellas.. Can you get to that? Nemind... zzzzzzzzzz..

p/s: i was pissed off.. i happen to mean you suliana. U r so sick and disgusting.


Anonymous said...

~yuhhhuuu..dats not bout people who give chances..dats u who have to find da chances..ngeee...go to h**l to those people who always see our bad side..only Allah knows whats in ur heart..cak2!!~ [al-ankabaut:69]

~jd kan fitrah sbg lumrah..bkn lumrah sbg firah!chaiyook22!!!!

-yg naik mnyampah dgr suara2 jht mnusia yg mngata org 28jam-

cik ana plymouth

fern said...

haha.. ye lah cik ana.. owg lau da x ley nk trima kita cmne ek?? huhu.. tapi at least, jgn r jadi msyrkt mentaliti kelas rendah. lau penagih tu , mmg mentaliti dia truk, sbb tu dia jadi pnagih..tkkn msyrkt pn nk mentaliti cmtuh??lau x bg pluang kat penagih, ssh la dia nk brubah.. tu yg ramai patah balik..x jd nk brubah.. huhu..

/im just sayin..

Anonymous said...

~sekali tersilap lgkah=lumrah~
..hasilnye akan mjadi lg bijak dlm mngatur lgkah tok idup...

~buat kali kdua n seterusnye=bodoh n sengal yg amat2
..tak berape pndai nk mhayati pluang yg da diberi+asyik mnyalahkan org lain pdhal sndri yg ade IQ+EQ+ESQ yg teramat rendah...


*bertaubat adelah lgkah permulaan bg mereka yg mula berjalan mcari redha Allah - imam qusyairi*

-yg mula terase SAKIT dgn kate2 sndri..wohhaaa_
cik ana plymouth

fern said...

haha.. smcm jerk.. hampeh.. mcm nk kena kat aku blk.. adoih..

Be Lovely said...

ok la 2 ko dh brubah...drpd ko x brubah lgsg an...so..be a gud boy k..

fern said...

haha. I'am a gd boy.. :)

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